Embrace your Imperfections
Written by: Arooj Shahbaz (Lahore, Pakistan)
"Imperfection is a perfection to a beautiful perspective".
One day laying on my bed i started hating myself just because i'm not perfect,people doesn't like me they didn't stay in my life they just leave me.
Then after spending a lot of time with myself i just started laughing hardly and loudly and realized that am i stupid why i gave importance to those people who didn't even appreciates me and didn't even know about me so i just sat down with a spirit of acceptance that "Ich bin perfekt so wie ich bin" (I am perfect as i am).
I don't need people approval to be good or something else they like so i started embracing my imperfections.
Let's start what imperfections are actually or what people called imperfections.
Imperfections:Small defect or flaws in your personality as perceived by people.
But according to me imperfections are beautiful these are what makes you unique from others it's ok to be mad then being a serious and boor puppet for someone .
I never understood what kind of person is totally perfect or ideal according to people.Some people doesn't like your color or see it as an imperfection,some people doesn't like your body type and it is an imperfection according to them,someone doesn't like your personality because you are not doing puppet dance according to them.
These so called imperfections let us all suffer so much as we are never ideal for anyone and they can't stay because you are not meant to be the one.So friends its my advice for you people who wants to leave you let him/her leave you don't bound anyone who doesn't wants to stay with you because i think who sees you as an imperfection never deserves you whether it's your friend or anyone else.
Buddies never try to be being perfect for anyone else because who is you true and meant to be for them you are always perfect the way you are they will accept your all aspects either positive or negative because no one is perfect and if we try to be perfect we literally make our life robotic because doing so will let us lose the real essence of ourselves and we just become a feeling less emotionless robot.
There are few steps that always helps us to embrace our imperfections and we must follow them:
- Find the positive side of you imperfection and flaws
- Imperfections are what makes us human
- Get inspiration from little things
- Focus on flow state rather than on perfectionism
- Add positivity in your surroundings
- Make your imperfections your biggest strength
- Learn to laugh at yourself literally it might sounds weird but it's very helpful
The Quranic Verses that always gives me calm whenever i read them are the following one's:
" ˹He is the One˺ Who created seven heavens, one above the other. You will never see any imperfection in the creation of the Most Compassionate.So look again: do you see any flaws?(Surah Mulk-ayat 3)"
"Then look again and again—your sight will return frustrated and weary.(Surah Mulk-ayat 4)".
As a Muslim we must know that ultimate perfection belongs only to Allah. If we were already perfect and self-sufficient, then why would we need Him? Part of connecting with Allah is to acknowledge our imperfection and our neediness of Him and His help.Just be thankful to Allah SWT every time for what he had granted us with.
ReplyDeleteTrue 👍
ReplyDeleteBest as always
ReplyDeleteKeep it up
ReplyDeleteAmazing ❤
ReplyDeleteKeep it up broo