Be Yourself

 Self Acceptance 

Written by: Arooj Shahbaz (Lahore,Pakistan)

Do you love yourself?

Do you accept yourself as you are?

These questions might seems weird but they have deep meanings inside them.

It turns out that acceptance of oneself is not a natural or default state. Many of us struggle to accept who we are right now. Accepting the positive aspects of oneself is not difficult, but what about the negative aspects? We shouldn't accept our shortcomings and failures, right?

Firstly I will start with the introduction of Self-acceptance as many of us don't even know about the concept.

 Self-acceptance: The state of being wholly satisfied with oneself. Accepting who you are without constraints, restrictions, or exceptions is what true self-acceptance entails.

The definition tells us that we should not only accept the good part of us but also accept the flaws within us.

If you are thinking that difficult to accept your negative aspects yes you are right but if you keep on accepting your flaws one day it leads to self-improvement.

If you start accepting yourself it will also affect your day-to-day life in the following ways:

  •  Helps control your emotions and feelings
  •  Helps you to forgive yourself.
  •  Gives you self-confidence.
  •  Helps you to be the real you.

There are several ways to learn to Accept yourself:

  •  Embrace your uniqueness 
  •  Let go the things and people you can't change.
  •  Identify your strength and flaws
  •  Plan goals 
  •  Think positive 
  •  Be gentle to yourself 
  •  Try to be the real you in each and every circumstance. 

All of us went through difficult times in life when we think that we are no more a good person, we are nothing so let me help you know that its the time to stand up and accept that you are absolutely perfect as you are you can do anything you can grow and achieve your goals and you are the only one who can do that and remember there are millions of people in this world but you are the only unique version of yourself that exist there is no carbon copy of yours you are unique and acceptable as you are if you can't accept yourself how can others will so first start accepting yourself.

There was a time in my life when I lose complete hope on myself and I think I m not a perfect person at all but that's the time when I start accepting my flaws and embracing that flaws as a crown on my head and now today I just happy with what I am. 

At last i just want to say one thing "Accept yourself as the crazy mess you are"


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