Pathway toward Happiness

The Real Happiness 

Written by: Arooj Shahbaz (Lahore, Pakistan)

"Never look on others for happiness since doing so will make you feel lonely. Even if you are alone, finding contentment in yourself will make you happy".

"I will be happy when I will get married"

"I will be happy when I will get a job"

I will be happy when …

Have you previously used the same phrase? How long does happiness last when a wish is fulfilled? It is true that when we achieve our goals, we are happy. But frequently, it is short-lived.

Long-lasting happiness cannot be attained solely via the satisfaction of needs or the collection of possessions, just as good health cannot be attained solely through proper nutrition but also requires other factors. Several other crucial actions to get there must be done.

True happiness has different meanings for different people depending on their age as well. As we mature, it's possible that we find enjoyment in sources other than those that brought us joy when we were young.

Sometimes small things make you happy. Sometimes even a pleasant environment cannot make us happy. We should know that happiness is not related to things at all. It doesn't matter how beautiful we are, how much wealth we have or how big our house is, how big our car is, how many people are around us, how people thinks about us. Because all these things cannot bring true happiness.

There are certain guidelines that can help us be content with who we are:

  •   Be content with what you have.
  •   Avoid becoming envious of others.
  •  Be kind and considerate to others.
  •  Even if you are having difficulties, never give up hope.
  •  Be appreciative of what you have.
  •  Don't rely on others to make you happy.
  •  Avoid comparison of yourself with others.

Happiness not only affects our physical health but also improves our mental health in a positive way.

We can only get true happiness when we devote and bow ourselves before Allah Pak.

As mentioned in Quran-e-Pak: 

 "For them are glad tidings in this world and in the Hereafter. The words of Allah shall not change. That is the supreme triumph (10:64)".

My personal experience is that after searching for happiness in people and things for so long, I finally found it inside of me. I then realized that in order for me to be happy, I must accept who I am and the circumstances of my life as they are because Allah has great plans for me. I should therefore just be grateful to Allah for what he has given me and be content with who I am.


  1. I think so this real

  2. Written beautifully

  3. πŸ‘well done

  4. The greatest happiness to be happy in life is to find peace in yourself.We are engaged in one thing since childhood and we are know only one meaning of happiness and sorrow and we keep searching for happiness and sorrow all our life, following the same defination and same meaning .Never try to understand, think and find real happiness .And in this phase we spend our whole life .

  5. Nice topics and amazing writting skills you have keep going girl ♥ Allah bless u .


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