Family is Everything

 Importance of Family in a child's life 

Written by: Arooj Shahbaz (Lahore,Pakistan)

"Family is not an important thing it's everything"_Michael J. Fox

    "Family"This term always makes us smile a little when we hear it. Whether an individual is an animal or a human, family is always of utmost importance. 

    One of the strongest forces in the world is probably family. And there are aspects of it that contribute to this. Even while family is different for everyone of us, it is still a place where we feel at home, a place where we belong, and a place where we truly belong.Knowing you have family means no one will ever be able to replace you. It's the place where you are really unique. It is that wonderful spot where you can be who you truly are every day, with all of your heart, personality, and sass.

    You are known and loved there. You are recognised for who you truly are, including your greatness and your darkness. And no matter what, you're never rejected, ignored, forgotten, or given up on.The strongest and most special relationship ever is the one we have with our family. They instantly grasp our requirements, our sorrows, our suffering, and our pains.

    Their love can give us the strength to move forward in life and to get back up after facing setbacks.They are the most important factor in everyone's life.With age, this familial relationship begins to weaken, or it may not have really been a good one in the first place. The most important people in anyone's life are their parents and siblings, but I've observed numerous occasions in which those close relationships may lead to sorrow and misery.

    The terms "mental trauma" and "mental health concerns" are widely known, and most of us are also aware that most of these problems are directly related to our personal and familial problems. These problems can actually cause many significant problems, including mental and physical illness.

    As a family, we frequently believe that our main duty is to meet fundamental necessities while omitting more complex requirements like emotional support.

    As a person, I constantly experience a lack of emotional support, regardless of my successes or failures. I learned to stand up for myself;as a child it hurts so much, which still leaves me with deep emotional scars from that ignorance.People have said that with time, we learn to live with pains and it doesn't affects us anymore,but in reality, what we actually learn with time is how to fake our emotions and pretend that everything we are going through is okay.

    From a child's perspective, their family is their ideal because they receive all of their education from them, expect them to provide all of their emotional support, and have a comfortable home to live in. 

    We literally create a little fantasy world in a child brain by providing her undue love and showing extra importance when he/she was born but later on we start shattering his/her little fantasy world with our fights,problems and harsh words, so in my opinion we must build a realistic world for a child where he/she actually understand what is the meaning of life and how much life can be harsh for him/herself.

"Anyone who unconditionally loves you is your family"


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